
I was looking out the back of my sliding glass door and saw some animals playing together.

Much like my ferrets do.
But these were not just ordinary animals running up and down the hill, chasing each other…
There was an elephant being chased by a gray fox, who was being chased by a, what looked to be a 12 foot, furry snake with a dog-like fox face. This creature was the color of a red fox.

Then the 12 foot creature with the short, tiny legs ran down the hill and crashed into the sliding glass door where I was standing.
I felt bad for it, so opened the door to see if it was okay. It ran inside and was trying to bite me.

I jumped onto my couch in the living room and it jumped up next to me. It was long, and heavy. But is curled up like a cat next to me and started licking my hands. I was very scared, but remained still with fear.
Then it bit four of my fingers off of my right hand. I screamed out in pain, and then woke up.


We were living in an apartment that was similar to 63 Whiting Avenue. I had the exterminator come a week prior. We had not seen any bugs.

Then, while sitting at the kitchen table with K, hundreds upon hundreds of black furry jumping spiders started crawling out of the old white stove onto the kitchen floor and walls.

K jumped to the table, I started screaming. Then I woke up.

Keto Diet

December 14, of this year will be one year since I have bee. On the Keto diet. 75lbs down. I have two cheat days pee month. No sugar though cheat days are fried chicken of Gluten Free pasta.

Whatever works! Is what I always say.

Well, last night I had a dream that I ate a piece of cake and gained all my weight back over night, but my neck looked like a pregnant belly. Completely disfigured. In the dream I gained all my weight back in my neck. More of a nightmare.

Juice in the Toilet

I woke from a dream where my dh’s boss’ family were living on Whiting Ave. (a house where I use to live as a teenager)

I was visiting my friend T, at this old house and the old toilet that was next to the claw foot tub was 3x it’s standard size and filled with apple juice instead of water.

I needed to go, but just stood there looking down at the almost over flowed huge toilet that was filed to the top with apple juice.

I was very confused and then woke up.

Mimis crying

I just woke from a dream. It was around Christmas time and we were at WSF. We arrived and saw Mimi by herself in the third row.

I stepped out to get some Christmas cookies on a plate for O. I also got a plate of them to walk to the front and bring to Mimi. When I walked back into the chapel, I did not see her. I walked up to the front to wear she was and say her with her head down to the pew and crying. I placed the cookies next to her and asked her if she was okay. She said she was not okay. Then the Pastor came over and started praying with her.

I then woke up.

Target Boots Sourcing Trip

I just woke up from a dream where I was going to all the Targets in the state trying to locate the Spring it shoe. Or in this case, Boots.

They looked like your basic Timberlands, but were made of that 1980’s jelly pvc rubber material.

They came in Hot pink, Lime Green, Neon Yellow, and Blue. The highlighter colors.🤷‍♀️

I was on the search for them because I had heard through the reselling grapevine that they were reselling for two-hundred dollars on the selling platforms, and I wanted to strike while the iron was hot! I was on my way to the last Target in my state to look for them, when my dream switched over to a dining room from I house that I lived at in the fifth grade.

I was changing clothes on the side of an old computer and heard hubby yell, ready yet? Let’s go! Then I woke up. My dream started with me in a Target looking for the boots, but ended with me in an old dining room where I once lived…

Abandoned Baby

I just woke up from a dream where I was living across from a park. I had my house windows open.

It was Fall with brisk winds outside. Much like it is right now.

I heard a baby crying and looked out my front door. I then noticed a tiny baby on his/her back rocking back and forth under a park bench. Very tiny. Maybe 2-3 months. No one else was anywhere in the park.

The park looked like one I once played at as a lid. Coe Park. In Torrington, Connecticut.

Then I woke up.

Crying Baby

I Just woke up from a dream where my oldest daughter and I were both walking along an abandoned road in the middle of the night.

We were both wearing ugly Christmas sweaters.

Then we heard a baby crying.

We followed the cry which took us to a front porch of an abandoned old farmhouse.

When we reached the house, we found a baby girl in a car seat.

Then I woke up. 🤔

Get Behind me Satan!

I just woke from a dream where I was teaching a Bible lesson to a group of strangers on Mark 8:33.

I was giving many examples of times in my life that I’ve prayed this verse.

The people were sick and some were laying down, while others were walking around aimlessly. It seemed as if I was in an outdoor setting.

That was all I remember from the dream.

They shared, I woke up and opened Twitter and the first thing I saw was that someone retweeted that same verse. 👀

Mark 8:33- Jesus turned and looked at his disciples, he rebuked Peter. ‘Get behind me, Satan!’ ‘You do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.'”

On another note, I once had a friend who was a wolf in sheep’s clothing tell me that we want Satan in front of us so that we can always see him and know where he is. I always thought that was such an odd thing to say. And yes, I disagree.

It’s important to memorize scripture, even when we have been saved and serving the Lord for years.

I’ve had several people in my life try to lead me astray by quoting things to me that were not true, but claiming that it was in the Bible. When asked where they have no clue.

And as stated, she was a wolf in sheep’s clothing.